Comments on: Your helmet stinks! Sience for South Africa Tue, 13 Nov 2012 09:02:26 +0000 hourly 1 By: Bridget Bridget Mon, 07 Jun 2010 07:04:43 +0000 Just as an aside - if you cycle regularly most cycle helmets do need to be replaced every couple of years anyway - regardless of whether or not you have fallen. The sun can degrade the materials they are build from and reduce their effectiveness in an accident. Also - if you fall badly - it is just good sense to replace - the better (and more expensive) brands will generally replace either free or with a good discount. Just as an aside – if you cycle regularly most cycle helmets do need to be replaced every couple of years anyway – regardless of whether or not you have fallen. The sun can degrade the materials they are build from and reduce their effectiveness in an accident.

Also – if you fall badly – it is just good sense to replace – the better (and more expensive) brands will generally replace either free or with a good discount.
